Service API


If using the EU instance of Opsgenie, the URL needs to be for requests to be successful.


Service API is only available to Standard and Enterprise plans.

Create Service

Create service request is used to add new services for teams and it is a write request. If the integration of the API key configured as read-only, the request will not be accepted. For more information, you can refer to API Access Management.

JSON Body Fields

nametrueName of the service100 characters
teamIdtrueTeam id of the service.512 characters
descriptionfalseDescription field of the service that is generally used to provide a detailed information about the service.10000 characters
tagsfalseTags of the service.Maximum number of tags: 20

Sample Request

curl -X POST ''
    -H 'Authorization: GenieKey eb24alp-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1alpf565c889'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  "teamId": "eb24alp-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1alpf565c889",
  "name": "Service API Test Service",
  "description": "Service API Test Service Description",
  "tags": [


  "data": {
    "id": "8a2633c8-cd2d-4baa-ba7b-3ef18f854593",
    "name": "Service API Test Service"
  "requestId": "656cfb15-e19f-11e7-ac88-af7c98633ff2"

Update Service

Update service request is used to update existing services for teams and it is a write request. If the integration of the API key configured as read-only, the request will not be accepted. For more information, you can refer to API Access Management.

idtrueService id.130 characters
descriptionfalseDescription field of the service that is generally used to provide a detailed information about the alert.10000 characters
nametrueName of the service.100 characters
tagsfalseTags of the service.Maximum number of tags:20

Sample Request

curl -X PATCH ''
    -H 'Authorization: GenieKey eb24alp-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1alpf565c889'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  "name": "Service API Test Service - Updated",
  "description": "Service API Test Service Description [Updated]",
  "tags": [


  "result": "Updated",
  "data": {
    "id": "6980c9d2-45ad-4458-9a72-127b87ef881d",
    "name": "Service API Test Service"
  "requestId": "656cfb15-e19f-11e7-ac88-af7c98633ff2"

Delete Service

Delete service request is used to delete existing services for teams and it is a write request. If the integration of the API key configured as read-only, the request will not be accepted. For more information, you can refer to API Access Management.

Sample Request

curl -X DELETE ''
    -H 'Authorization: GenieKey eb24alp-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1alpf565c889'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "result": "Deleted",
  "requestId": "c93ff1c2-e19f-11e7-a9ed-99cc1aa8489f"

Get Service

Get service request is used to retrieve a service by id

idtrueId of the service.130 characters

Sample Request

curl -X GET ''
    -H 'Authorization: GenieKey eb24alp-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1alpf565c889'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "data": [
      "teamId": "2e3c4c13-51e7-4cf6-a353-34c6f75494c7",
      "name": "Service API Test Service - Updated",
      "description": "Service API Test Service Description [Updated]",
      "id": "eb24alp-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1alpf565c889",
      "tags": [
  "requestId": "656cfb15-e19f-11e7-ac88-af7c98633ff2"

List Services

List services request is used to retrieve the services. If the GenieKey is belong to a team, then team services will be retrieved. Otherwise, all services will be retrieved.

Query Parameters

Field NameMandatoryValue Definiton
queryfalseSearch query to apply while filtering the services.
limitfalseMaximum number of items to provide in the result. Must be a positive integer value. Default value is 20 and maximum value is 100. Minimum value is 1.
sortfalseName of the field that result set will be sorted by. Default value is name. Possible values are specified below:
* isExternal
orderfalseSorting order of the result set. Possible values are desc and asc. Default value is desc.
desc: Sort result set in descending order
asc: Sort result set in ascending order
offsetfalseStart index of the result set (to apply pagination). Minimum value (and also default value) is 0.

Sample Requests

curl -X GET ''
    -H 'Authorization: GenieKey eb24alp-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1alpf565c889'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
curl -X GET ''
    -H 'Authorization: GenieKey eb24alp-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1alpf565c889'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


  "data": [{
    "teamId": "2e3c4c13-51e7-4cf6-a353-34c6f75494c7",
    "name": "Service API Test Service - Updated",
    "description": "Service API Test Service Description [Updated]",
    "id": "6aa85159-9e2e-4e54-8088-546f9c15d513",
    "tags": [],
    "isExternal": false
  }, {
    "teamId": "2e3c4c13-51e7-4cf6-a353-34c6f75494c7",
    "name": "Service API Test Service 2 - Updated",
    "description": "Service API Test Service 2 Description [Updated]",
    "id": "6aa85159-9e2e-4e54-8088-546f9c15d513",
    "tags": [],
    "isExternal": false
    "paging": {
    "next": "",
    "first": "",
    "last": ""
  "requestId": "656cfb15-e19f-11e7-ac88-af7c98633ff2"